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Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping

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Service and maintenance.

An AED needs to be ready for use when an emergency occurs. Therefore, it is important that your AED device is timely maintained. By regularly controlling and inspecting the AED and replacing the battery and electrodes before they expire, the AED remains well maintained and ready to use. 

When using our maintenance contracts you are assured of a well functioning and safe device at all times.

See our maintenance contracts

Customers about us: 5 9 reviews
"Wij zijn tevreden over de service en het goede persoonlijke contact met de accountmanager. Een duidelijke offerte zonder verrassingen achteraf, heeft ons doen besluiten om opnieuw AED's bij AED Solutions te bestellen." Walibi Holland
Schiphol Politie Gemeente Arnhem PWC Van Wijnen Gemeente Eindhoven
AED Solutions

AED Solutions, an introduction!.

AED Solutions is the specialist regarding AED's and company assistance services. Customers can come to us to be advicen and for delivery and/or maintenance of one or more AED device. Besides they can contact us for a broad spectrum of First Aid and training requirements. AED Solutions aspires a (heart)safe labour ambiance and living environment and offers a fitting solution for everyone, to make this possible.

Wondering how we can make your environment more (heart)safe? We are happy to help you.

Contact us   Request advice

AED Solutions

Free product demonstration?.

Are you looking for an AED device, AED maintenance, CPR manikins, AED trainer or First Aid requirements? And you can't make a choice right away?
Our product specialist are looking forward to demonstrate the products to you and discuss all possibilities for your situation. 

Request a product demonstration without any obligations now for free.

Request a free demonstration
Zoll Mindray Philips Primedic Stryker Prestan
Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping
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