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Advanced AED cabinet.

The Cabinaid Advanced outdoor AED Cabinate has a unique active heating system. This unique system conditions the AED in any temperature from -20°C to maintain an ideal ambient temperature for the AED, battery and electrodes.


€ 525,00 Excl. VAT
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The AED Specialist Satisfied customer warranty > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping


Due to the red color, LED lighting and the recognizable ILCOR AED logo, the Cabinaid Advanced is a striking and recognizable appearance in any environment, all day long. Cabinaid Advanced is convenient and quick to open, allowing first responders to access the AED fast. Every type of AED device fits in a Cabinaid AED cabinet and there is also enough space for accessories such as a First Responder Kit or safety vest.

The cabinet can be opened easily (with one hand) through the handle on the lid. Even users who see the cabinet for the first time know immediately how to act. The lid keeps hanging thanks to the elastic cord between the cup and the lid, so it can easily been put back later when the AED device is returned in the cabinet.

The Cabinaid Advanced conditions the AED in any cold climate. This helps the AED to effortlessly meet the expiration date of the battery and pads at low temperatures (from -20°C). The active heating works via a unique heating unit on the bottom of the cabinet, blowing hot air through the cabinet when necessary which increases the inner temperature rapidly. 

Optionally, the Cabinaid AED cabinets can be equipped with dividers, so that the AED and the accessories can be stored separately from each other in well-arranged compartments. It is also possible to buy a bracket for a padlock, so that the Cabinaid Essential can be closed with a padlock.

Features of Cabinaid Advanced AED Cabinet 

  • Intuitive design gives the rescuer the confidence to act quickly
  • Unique active heating system (from -20°C)
  • Equipped with LED lighting and acoustic alarm
  • Striking and recognizable
  • Suitable for all types of AED's with space for accessories
  • Easy to open and convenient closure through the lid
  • Robust IV resistant housing (IK10)
  • High protection against water, dust, dirt and moisture (IP56)

Do you have questions or would you like advice? Contact us for the possibilities


Artikelnummer CAB-ADV-100
Cabinet options
With Alarm Yes
Illuminated Yes
Heated Yes
With ventilation Yes
Actively cooled No
Combination lock No
UV protection Yes
Power source type Power adapter
IP value IP56

Added information.

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Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping
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