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Semi or fully-automatic.
For pediatric usage.
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Prestan AED training devices.

Prestan Products is an American manufacturer of medical trainin materials, mainly for the purpose of learning to resuscitate. Prestan develops and manufactures it's CPR manikins and AED trainers in America and sells these via a network of distributors worldwide. The products from Prestan are realistic both for the eye as for the feeling performing the resuscitation. Prestan products are very user friendly and affordably priced compared to likewise manufacturers. The Prestan CPR manikins are known for their unique CPR feedback monitor. 

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Prestan AED UltraTrainer € 225,00 In stock
Prestan AED Trainer Plus € 299,00 In stock

Prestan's universal training solutions

The universal Prestan AED trainers are easy to use and pricewise often more interesting than comparable trainers. Prestan's universal AED trainers are popular among instructors because these are not similar to a special brand or type of AED and is due to the many options and scenario's configurable according the operation of the AED of the students. Furthermore do the electrodes have Prestan's unique Pad sensing system. As a result, students need to adhere the electrodes properly before the AED starts the analysis phase, just as with a real defibrillator. 

Prestan's unique feedback monitor

Prestan's unique CPR feedback monitor gives immidiate CPR feedback to the student and instructor. The color monitor gives feedback about the compressionrate and the clicker mechansims gives feedback about the compression depth. As a result, the student can quickly and easily adjust the depth and frequency to the internatinonal applicable standard. Due to this unique feedback technology, the CPR manikins do no only meet the international guidelines, applicable since 2015. But also the guidelines of the AHA (American Heart association) started from 2020.

Zoll Mindray Philips Primedic Stryker Prestan
Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping
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