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LUCAS 3 Chest compression system.

The LUCAD 3 V3.1 is the newest and most advanced version of the Thorax compression system which allows you to automatically perform chest compressions. This leaves your hands free to perform other life-saving actions.
The LUCAS 3 is only available after an advisory consultation.

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€ 15.995,00 Excl. VAT
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The AED Specialist Satisfied customer warranty > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping


This new and improved version of the Lucas 3, the Lucas V3.1, performs first-class chest compressions during CPR (on a mattress, during transport within a hospital, in elevators or during PCI in the catharization lab) reducing the risk of injury and possible resulting health problems within your team.


Transport: Some cardiac arrest patients do not respond to just CPR and defibrillation alone. LUCAS enables life-saving interventions (such as PCI and ECMO/ECPR) by delivering consistent compressions on the way to and during these advanced life-saving therapies.

Safety: First-class CPR is a physically demanding task. Aid workers must be able to provide first-class care while being mindful of their own safety and reducing the risk of injury on the job. The LUCAS device reduces the radiation burden for CPR practitioners when used in the catheterization lab while simultaneously delivering compliant chest compressions.

Quality: Delivery of first-class CPR is critical to patient outcomes. When resuscitating a patient on a hospital bed, the mattress absorbs a large part of the compression instead of the patient. This leads to superficial, less effective manual compressions. With its support structure and base plate, LUCAS compensates for the 'mattress effect' and delivers first-class CPR regardless of the surface.

Usability: The two-step application (bottom plate, then top part) makes it easy and fast to use (a median down time of 7 sec when switching from manual resuscitation to mechanical resuscitation in clinical use).


Artikelnummer 99576-000054

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LUCAS 3 Chest compression system. € 15.995,00
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Zoll Mindray Philips Primedic Stryker Prestan
Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping
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