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AED Solutions

Emergency first aid kit.

This emergency First aid kit contains all necessities to do the most common first aid actions. Usable by experienced aid workers but also by persons without first aid experience to treat smaller injuries.  

€ 55,00 Excl. VAT
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The AED Specialist Satisfied customer warranty > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping


This emergency first aid kit consists of three modules that can be used and replaced seperately. Due to the seperate sealing of the modules is it easy to notice which module has been used. The emergancy first aid kit meetst the skills of an emergancy first responder. But even people without specific first aid knowledge can use the bandage set to treat small injuries. The first aid kit is delivered including the wallmount. Besides, this emergency first aid kit is approved by the Oranje Kruis with registration number VD 66-56.


  • 2x quick bandage #3 EU 12 x 10 cm
  • 2x quick bandage #1 EU 6 x 8 cm
  • 4x hydrophilic mesh 5 x 9 cm
  • 4x hydrophilic mesh 10 x 10 cm
  • 5x wound compress 10 x 10 cm
  • 1x sterile cloth 50 x 50 cm
  • 1 set adhesive strips 76 mm (10 strips)
  • 1x rescue cover (gold/silver)
  • 1x adhesive plaster role 25 mm
  • 1x adhesive plaster assortment
  • 1x adhesive plaster strips 100 x 6 cm
  • 1x first aid scissors 19 cm
  • 1x ventilation mask
  • 2x nitril gloves
  • 5x finger bandage (finger bob)
  • 1x tweezers
  • 2x ideal bandage 8 cm
  • 2x ideal bandage 6 cm
  • 2x elastic fixation bandage 6 cm
  • 2x self adhesive fixation bandage 8 cm
  • 1x bottle of disinfectant 30 ml
  • 1x contents page
  • 1x first aid actions
  • 1x wallmount


Artikelnummer 600.VK0045.AEDS

Added information.

Emergency first aid kit. € 55,00
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Zoll Mindray Philips Primedic Stryker Prestan
Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping
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