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Kiss of Life respiration mask black.

Kiss of Life CPR face shield key chain in a black nylon pouch. 

This product is temporarily unavailable. The green and red variants are in stock.

€ 1,95 Excl. VAT
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The AED Specialist Satisfied customer warranty > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping


The Kiss of Life CPR Faceshield is a convenient, effective and cheap barrier with a one-way valve for use during a resusciatation. As the mask is placed over the face of the victim, it prevents direct contact wit the mouth, nose and face. This can get you over the hesitation to use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The semi-transparent mask with one-way valve allows the helper to continue doing the visual checks. But it also helps to eliminate the contact with possible harmful body liquids form the patient The Kiss of Life can be used on adults and children. 

Usage of the mask

The elastic strap fits over the ears of the patient and will keep the mask in place. Can be used as a key chain, in the pocket of a jacket, in a small hand bag or with a first aid kit. 


Key Chain: 37 x 37 x 15 mm 
Weight: 10 g


Artikelnummer 7097ZW

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Kiss of Life respiration mask black. € 1,95
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Zoll Mindray Philips Primedic Stryker Prestan
Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping
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