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AED Solutions

Stop the Bleeding set Plus.

The Stop the Bleeding set Plus is a set with accessories to aduquatly stop a life-threatening bleeding. The set consisst of convenient necessities that can be used by bystanders and non-medical rescue helpers with life-threatening blood loss.

€ 89,00 Excl. VAT
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The AED Specialist Satisfied customer warranty > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping


The Stop the Bleeding set is developped for non-medical rescue helpers to handle adequatly with life-threatening blood loss. By acting quickly the chance of survival of a victim of an attack or serious accident will increase significantly. The set includes an SAM XT Tourniquet, amongs others. This tourniquet with unique system 'clicks' into place when the strap is tightened well enough. Causing that all the slack is taken out of the strap in fewer twists and turns to stop the bleeding of severe wounds or open fractures in the arms or legs. To stop a serious bleeding wound in the groin, neck or shoulder does the set inlcude a Celox Gauze. Celox is a hemostatic gauze with extraordinary clotting qualities to press into the wound. The Celox granules on the dressing cross-react with red blood cells to form a firm clothes within several minutes, independent of the body's natural clotting mechanism. The Stop the Bleeding set Plus ensures that you are prepared for the most severe life-threatening bleeding. With the set you can adequately control the bleeding until professional help is available.

This is what you'll get:

  • Red bag with various compartments and elasticts and a label 'Stop de Bloeding - red een leven'
  • Rood tasje met diverse vakken en elastieken en label ‘Stop de Bloeding – red een leven’
  • 1 SAM XT tourniquet
  • 1 Celox hemostatic gauze
  • 1 Woundstop trauma bandage
  • 2 pairs of gloves
  • 1 marker (to note the time on the tourniquet)
  • 1 instruction card 'Stop de Bloeding - red een leven'


Artikelnummer I-SDBSPX

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Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping
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