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AED 3 trainer.

The Zoll AED 3 trainer is in appearance speaking the real Zoll AED 3 and the functioning of the real AED is lifelike simulated. Even the real CPR help options of the AED can be used during the training. 


€ 650,00 Excl. VAT
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The AED Specialist Satisfied customer warranty > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping


The Zoll AED 3 trainer is very easy to operate, even without a remote control. The training electrodes last several times. The Zoll AED 3 is the latest model from Zoll and therefore the AED 3 trainer is also equipped with the latest technologies. Just like the real AED, the taining electrodes can detect when they are properly placed. 

The Zoll AED 3 trainer features Real CPR Help. During practising the AED trainer provides feedback on the quality of the chest compressions. This allows the student to adjust the pace or depth of the compressions while training. The CPR Uni-Padz of the Zoll AED 3 trainer last at least 50 times and the AED trainer works on 4 D-cell batteries.

This is what you get:

  • Zoll AED 3 trainer
  • Zoll CPR-D training electrodes
  • 4 D-cell batterijen 
  • The manual


Artikelnummer 1434
Ease of use
For pediatric usage Pediatric electrodes
Multilingual Yes

Added information.

AED 3 trainer. € 650,00
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Zoll Mindray Philips Primedic Stryker Prestan
Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s geleverd From € 95 free shipping
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